
Heteromeles arbutifolia

Keystone species native to California’s coastal regions, the Sierra Nevada foothills, and Baja California. This evergreen shrub or small tree is densely covered in leathery, dark green foliage. Clusters of small white flowers appear during summer, followed by pea-sized scarlet red berries during fall and winter. These fruits provide an important food source for native birds, while the flowers provide nectar for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Often kept as a hedge or screen, this may also be used to stabilize hillsides or banks.


+ More information about container sizes



Heteromeles arbutifolia
Plant Type

Garden Use

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Flower Color

Foliage Color

Approximate size upon delivery*

1 gallon, 8"h x 8"w:15 gallon, 31"h x 22"w:5 gallon, 18"h x 13"w

Deciduous / Evergreen

Bloom Time

Mature Size

Growth Rate

Growth Habit

Light Needs

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Water Needs

Sunset Zone


USDA Hardiness Zones

Garden Style

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Special Features


Common Nursery Plant Forms

We use plant forms to describe how a plant has been grown in our nursery. Here are some common nursery plant forms explained.

A bush or multi refers to a shrub or small tree grown with multiple stems.

A standard has been trained to have a single trunk.
Many bush/multi plants are also available in standard form, so be sure to check the form when you add plants to your cart.

A column refers to a tree or shrub grown into a tall, narrow shape.

An espalier is a plant trained to grow in a two-dimensional form against a trellis.

Staked plants will be tied to a wooden or plastic stake during the growing process. This technique is generally used on vines but is sometimes used for certain trees or shrubs.